Welcome to the Kobe Haters Blog
After so many years of listening to sports writers and commentators riding the Kobe bandwaggon (they only get off when he has done something really atrocious, and get right back on if he happens to have a good game), I thought the people needed a forum to express what they really feed about the arrogant ballhogger that has breaken up the Lakers and turned game of basketball into an individual sport. Feel like venting? Please post or e-mail me your comments! All in good taste, of course.
Haha nice website faggot, one comment. Guess what, everyone will always hate the best, so keep hating. It just drives him more and he will get better, and once the Lakers get another legitimate scorer, he will win another title and then no one will be able to say a damn thing, because then he will be know as the greatest player besides MJ.
3:23 AM
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