Kobe Bryant. The Omarosa of Basketball

Is this not the same Kobe that was claiming he HAD TO take 30+ shots per game because of the rest of his team was horrible?
Is this not the same Kobe that used to yell at Lamar Odom because Lamar didn't pass him the ball 100% of the time?
Is this not the same Kobe that would NEVER pass the ball to Kwame because he didn't think Kwame was capable of doing anything?
What happened in the last weeks of the regular season and during the playoffs? Did his teammates (all of them) all of a sudden learn how to play basketball? Or were they capable all along, but played horribly because they never had the ball in their hands?
Hmmm, that's a hard one...
I almost get a feeling that Kobe has a PR person or script writer that feeds him lines before every interview. He's like the Omarosa of basketball, except that Omarosa plays a villain on reality TV, while Kobe is one.